Privacy Policy

ATRUSTIA recognizes that personal information is important information that constitutes privacy in conducting its business, and complies with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other related laws and regulations when handling personal information in its business. In addition, to protect personal information, we have established internal regulations and organizational structures, and strives to protect personal information appropriately and to make continual improvements.

1. Definition of Personal Information

Personal information refers to "Personal Information" as defined in Article 2, Paragraph 1 of the Japanese Personal Information Protection Law, and refers to information about a living individual that can identify a specific individual by name, date of birth, or other description contained in the information, or that contains a personal identification code.

2. Acquisition of Personal Information

We will acquire personal information by the following methods;
1. Personal Information provided in writing by employees for the purpose of managing the Company's business.
2. Personal Information provided in writing or registered on the Website by applicants who have applied for jobs with the Company.
3. Personal Information registered on our website or provided in writing by the user in order to use the services provided by the Company ("the Service").
4. Personal Information provided by the individual in a form or e-mail for the purpose of contacting us.

3. Purpose of Use

The Company will use the various types of information, including personal information, obtained in the preceding paragraph for the following purposes.
1. Personal Information of Employees
a) To manage operations related to our human resources/general affairs operations
b) To contact and provide information to the above them

2. Personal Information of Job Seekers
a) To manage operations related to our recruitment activities
b) To contact and provide information to the above them

3. Personal information of the Services users (Business Partners)
a) To provide the Service appropriately
b) To manage the business of the Service
c) To contact and provide the Service information to the above them
d) To confirm the status of use of the Service, including analysis for continuous improvement of the Service
e) For accounting management, such as billing and payment related to usage fees for the Service

4. Personal information for inquiries
a) To manage the business of the inquiries
b) To contact and provide the Service information to the above them

4. Change of Purpose of Use

1. If the Company changes the purpose of use, the Company shall change the purpose of use only to the extent that the reason for the change is deemed reasonable.
2. If the Company changes the purpose of use in accordance with the preceding paragraph, the Company shall notify the Service Users of the revised Privacy Policy or publicly announce the revised Privacy Policy on the Company's website in a manner prescribed by the Company.

5. Outsourcing the handling of Personal Information

We may outsource all or part of the handling of personal information obtained from the individual to a third party on our own responsibility. In such cases, in consideration of security, we will take measures to prevent and correct risks of unauthorized access to personal information, leakage, loss, or damage of personal information, and we will require the third party to take the same security control measures and supervise them as necessary and appropriate.

6. Provision of Personal Data to Third Parties

1. We will not provide personal data (as defined in Article 16, Paragraph 3 of the Japanese Personal Information Protection Act) to third parties except in any of the following cases.
a) With the consent of the individual in question.
b) When disclosed or provided as statistical data in a manner that the individual cannot be identified.
c) When required by law.
d) When it is necessary for the protection of a person's life, body, or property, and it is difficult to obtain the user's consent.
e) When it is especially necessary to improve public health or to promote the sound growth of children, and it is difficult to obtain the user's consent.
f) When it is necessary to cooperate with a national agency, a local government, or an individual or entity entrusted by either a national agency or local government to execute affairs prescribed by law, obtaining the user's consent may impede the execution of such affairs.

2. Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, in the following cases, the recipient of personal data shall not fall under the category of a third party.
a) When we outsource all or part of the handling of personal data within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use.
b) Where personal data is provided as a result of the succession of business due to a merger or other reasons.
c) In cases where personal data will be used jointly with a specific person, the Company will notify the individual of this fact, the items of personal data to be jointly used, the scope of the joint use, the purpose of use by the individual using the personal data, and the name of the individual responsible for the management of the personal data in advance, or When the individual to whom the information pertains is readily accessible to the Company.

3. In order to provide the Service, we may provide personal data held by us to business partners of the Service with the consent of the individual.
4. We may provide personal data held by us to companies that co-sponsor the Event with us for the purpose of business management, various communications, and guidance related to the event, with the consent of the individual.
5. Personally relevant information, such as cookie information, may be obtained through our website. Please refer to our Cookie Policy for more information.

7. Disclosure of Retained Personal Data

1. If we are requested to disclose retained personal data by the individual, we will do so without delay. However, we may not disclose all or part of the personal data if disclosure would result in any of the following If we decide not to disclose, we will notify the individual to that effect without delay. Please note that a fee prescribed by the Company is required for the disclosure of retained personal data.
a) If there is a risk of harm to the life, body, property, or other rights or interests of the individual concerned or a third party.
b) If there is a risk of significant hindrance to the proper conduct of our business or other violations of laws and regulations.

2. Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding paragraph, in principle, the Company will not disclose non-personal information such as usage history.

8. Correction, etc. of Retained Personal Data

1. If any errors are found in our retained personal data, the individual may request us to correct, add to, or delete ("the Correct, etc") the retained personal data by following the procedures prescribed by us.
2. If we determine that there is a reason for a request for the Correct, etc. by the individual in question and that it is necessary to respond to such request, we will correct the retained personal data in question without delay.
3. When we make the Correct, etc. based on the preceding paragraph, or when we decide not to make the Correct, etc., we will notify the individual of the Correct, etc. without delay.

9. Cease to use, etc. of Retained Personal Data

1. We will cease to use or erase ("the Cease to use, etc.") the retained personal data from the individual in question, as it falls under any of the following cases. When the Company receives a request from an individual to cease use of or erase retained personal data, the Company shall conduct the necessary investigation without delay.
a) If the information is handled in a manner that exceeds the scope of the purpose of use.
b) If the retained personal data has been obtained by wrongful means.
c) If the information is used in a manner that may encourage or induce illegal or unjust acts.
d) When there is no longer a need for us to use the personal data held by the individual.
e) Leakage, loss, or damage ("the Leakage, etc.") of retained personal data containing Personal Information Requiring Sensitive when there has been or is likely to be the leakage, etc.
f) Where there has been or is likely to be the Leakage, etc. of retained personal data that is likely to cause property damage due to unauthorized use.
g) Where there has been or is likely to be the Leakage, etc. of retained personal data that may have been made for a wrongful purpose.
h) Where there has been or is likely to be the Leakage, etc. of retained personal data of more than 1,000 persons.
i) Cases in which there is a risk that the rights or legitimate interests of the individual concerned may be harmed by the handling of the retained personal data in question.

2. If, based on the results of the investigation described in the preceding paragraph, we determine that it is necessary to comply with the request, we will cease to use, etc. of the retained personal data concerned without delay.
3. In the event of cease to use, etc. based on the provisions of the preceding paragraph, or in the event of a decision not to cease to use, etc., the Company shall notify the individual of such decision without delay.
4. Notwithstanding the preceding two paragraphs, in cases where it is difficult to take alternative measures necessary to protect the rights and interests of the individual in question, such as when the cease to use involves substantial costs or when it is otherwise difficult to take alternative measures, such alternative measures shall be taken.

10. Secure Management of Retained Personal Data

In order to prevent the Leakage, etc of personal data held by the Company, the Company shall take measures for safety management as set forth in the following items.
1. Selection and assignment of a person responsible for handling personal information.
2. Conducting training sessions for our employees on the Personal Information Protection Law and other related laws and regulations.
3. Establishment of rules for handling personal information.
4. Establishment of a security system necessary to protect personal information from unauthorized access.
5. To understand the status of compliance with the Personal Information Protection Law and other related laws and regulations or implementation of security control measures at companies that manage and operate data servers on which we store personal information.
6. Other security control measures deemed necessary by the Company.

11. Privacy Policy Changes

1. We reserve the right to change the content of this Privacy Policy, except as otherwise provided by law or other privacy policy, in order to protect personal information, etc., by promptly responding to amendments to the Personal Information Protection Law and other relevant laws and regulations.
2. The revised Privacy Policy shall become effective on the day it is posted on the Company's website, unless otherwise specified by the Company.

12. Compliance with Laws and Regulations

In handling personal information, we will comply with the Personal Information Protection Law of Japan, other related laws and regulations, and internal company rules.

13. Contact


Last modified: Mar 29, 2023